What is the Netherlands?
(te oud om op te antwoorden)
Verdwaald in IJsland
2009-06-12 11:00:01 UTC
Op 03 Jun 2009 14:49:12 GMT kwam uit het klavier van Ekko Dieleman
Is it only what we call the kingdom of the Netherlands or is it +
What is this newsgroup about?
This newsgroup is for discussions about topics in all areas in which
Dutch is spoken. So mainly about topics concerning the Kingdom of The
Netherlands and Flanders.
Postings are mainly posted in Dutch, but English is used quite often as
The most important discussion here is about the Name of the Owl in the
books of Paulus the Bushdwarf. The name is "Ooroobooroo", but some
intoxinated people mean this is not true.
grtz, Niek
"De vis gaat rotten bij de kop, ze liegen allemaal, de vis gaat
rotten bij de kop."
(Misja Borzykin, Russisch zanger)
2009-06-12 22:22:57 UTC
Vitae forma vocatur Verdwaald in IJsland
Post by Verdwaald in IJsland
Op 03 Jun 2009 14:49:12 GMT kwam uit het klavier van Ekko Dieleman
Is it only what we call the kingdom of the Netherlands or is it +
What is this newsgroup about?
This newsgroup is for discussions about topics in all areas in which
Dutch is spoken. So mainly about topics concerning the Kingdom of The
Netherlands and Flanders.
Postings are mainly posted in Dutch, but English is used quite often as
The most important discussion here is about the Name of the Owl in the
books of Paulus the Bushdwarf. The name is "Oohoobooroo", but some
intoxinated people mean this is not true.
This is a bloody correct analysis of this already at least fifteen
yers old terrible problem.

I think that it could even interfere with the speed of the rotation
or our planet.